IDM has been registered with fake serial number - Solved
P C Madness
will help you on this..
Here is the way to disable pop up fake serial number idm
- First of all, Go to run and Type "regedit"
- Then Click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > DownloadManager >
- Find "CheckUpdtVM" and Change its value data to 0
- Go to Start>>Run
- Type Regedit
- Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > DownloadManager >
- Delete Folder "Download Manager"
- Exit IDM from the taskbar.
- Restart your PC
- Go to directory C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\
- Open the "hosts" file in the "notepad".
- On the last line enter below line words.
- ""
Now download IDM Patcher and patch IDMan.exe in C:\Program Files\Internet Download Manger.
Or after After deleting folder from registry editor, uninstall the program, restart your PC and re-install it.
That's it!!!
Note: Never update your idm again. Unless until It will work 100%
IDM has been registered with fake serial number - Solved
Reviewed by Sriram PV
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