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How to upload or send .exe files in Gmail or facebook

Hello friends.. I am back with a very useful tutorial that how to send or upload a .exe ie; an executable file or .bat (batch file) in Gmail or in Facebook or via any email service. Generally gmail or Facebook doesn't allow you to upload or attach a .exe file. The reason behind this is, an executable file is considered a security threat, so you can't upload a .exe. You can't upload it even by compressing(archiving) it (sometimes).To attach a executable file or a batch file you can follow either of the way.

1) By uploading to Google Drive:

You can use Google Drive for cloud storage. Just upload your file in GDrive and give it for anyone. Now you can Link to these files by changing sharing options to public or for people with link. I use this method myself and it works fine.

2) Changing file format to a notepad (.txt) format:

Open cmd ( press windowskey+r  and in run box type cmd) and change directory to the folder where your exe or bat file is.
To open command prompt where your exe file is located, you can do the below mentioned step.

Press shiftkey+leftclick while you are in that folder. Now you will see an option like this (below image) in your context menu.

Or click on FILE and check the below options.

Now in command window, type ren name.exe name.txt.

Now your .exe file has been converted to text file. And now you can upload your file and you can send it. 

Now to open the file (receiver side) he/she should now again convert the txt file to exe file with above mentioned procedure. (in cmd ren sample.txt sample.exe).

Probably first method would be the most easier way to attach the program for everyone.

How to upload or send .exe files in Gmail or facebook How to upload or send .exe files in Gmail or facebook Reviewed by Sriram PV on 19:28:00 Rating: 5

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