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Google Voice Search Hotword - ok Google

Most of you people are aware of this "OK GOOGLE".  If you are not, then here is the interesting news for you. The feature, which lets you trigger voice commands from anywhere on the home screen or in the search app, is now landing on to the desktop as Google Voice Search Hotword Chrome extension.

Check for the mike icon in the search bar. If you still have not received the update, then to get the "Ok Google" feature, first download the Google Voice Search Hotword extension.
On the Google Voice Search Hotword extension page, click Free in the top right corner.
When asked if you want to "Add Google Voice Search Hotword," click Add.
Read the information page that appears. From there, you can change the extension’s settings.
Click Done.

So what you are waiting for!! Lets start.. Feeling like Iron Man ?

Note: You may not use this feature without clicking on mike symbol on page. Still this needs some improvements for some countries. Microphone symbol on should turn black, not white. But still, if you have got white in color, then you can just click on it, speak on your microphone, and you'll get reply (voice commands) from Google.

Google Voice Search Hotword - ok Google Google Voice Search Hotword - ok Google Reviewed by Sriram PV on 23:01:00 Rating: 5

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