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How To Enlarge Facebook Private Profile Pictures

Hello friends, here I am again with a new Facebook trick that how to enlarge the private protected profile pictures from Facebook.

There are two simple ways for that:

Open the profile which is private protected and open the photos option of that account and find that picture and open. This is a very funny, but works. But even if this is not possible?
Then there is another such way where you can enlarge the profile picture.

Open the account.

Now right click on the private protected Facebook profile picture and select "Open image in new tab".

Now make some changes in the URL of the image like show in below example.

If this is the URL of this image
Make edit, like, remove " s160x160/  " from the Link and hit enter

The s160x160 is the resolution of the pic and / represents separation of links. Removing this makes the image to appear in the actual resolution of the image.

This is for just tutorial. Don't make misuse of this and fall in risk by making unwanted things.
How To Enlarge Facebook Private Profile Pictures How To Enlarge Facebook Private Profile Pictures Reviewed by Sriram PV on 18:38:00 Rating: 5


  1. sir is there any way to find the url of a image saved in a computer (by other name ) download from facebook

    1. URL cannot be found from another computer bro, you can find it only on your browser address bar...

  2. sir is there any way to find the url of a previous timeline picture

    1. URL of previous pic can be found on albums of that person's profile

  3. sir sorry to disturb u again sir but i am asking about timeline profile picture

    1. both for timeline cover pic and for profile pic the same method is used to open the image..

  4. sir is there any way to hide their location while chatting on facebook from computer

  5. Can i do it in my phone...after doing..only showing a blank page

  6. Can i do it in my phone...after doing..only showing a blank page


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