Why 500gb HDD is 465gb, 8gb flash drive is 7.3 and so..?

This was a question that many of my friends asks me after buying a new Pen drive or memory card. So, here I’m going bring answer the way I told my friend.

All Hard Disk manufacturer way of counting space is different from the way a software count a space. This means to a Hard Disk Manufacturer, 1GB is 1000 MB, 1 MB is 1000 KB and so on.
But actually Software or computer language recognize a space in terms of power of 2 say 21, 22,23 etc. hence a KB is 210 Bytes which is 1024 Bytes not 1000Bytes.

Lets do a little math:
From a Manufacturer a 500 GB hard disk is
500 x 1000 x 1000 x 1000 = 500000000000 Bytes

From the Computer Language point of view a 500000000000 Bytes is:
500000000000/(1024*1024*1024) = 465.6612873077392578125 GB

Now you’ll see why your 500GB hard disk has only less than 500 GB space in total. Well if you go with higher or lower space like 1 TB or 8 GB and so on the space is missing.
Why 500gb HDD is 465gb, 8gb flash drive is 7.3 and so..? Why 500gb HDD is 465gb, 8gb flash drive is 7.3 and so..? Reviewed by Sriram PV on 15:53:00 Rating: 5

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