Google Cloud Print - Print from anywhere to anywhere

Hi friends, today I am here with a news called GOOGLE CLOUD PRINT.

Google cloud print is a technology from Google  which allows us to print the documents or the screen or any webpage by a printer which is connected to your computer or to a computer which is even not connected to your computer. All is just you need three things.

1. A Google chrome browser.
2. A Google account and
3. A printer connected to Google cloud account.

You just need to have to do these simple steps.
Open the Google Chrome Browser, and then go to settings, click on to the show advanced settings and find the Google cloud print option. And sign in the Google cloud print using your Google account.
And now enter into Google cloud print web application site and click on registration accepting option, and click in Manage Printers Option.

And now you can add your printer using the option Add a classic printer. If you own a cloud printer you can select cloud printer option. Most of us use the classic printer in our home. Now just press ctrl+p to print the page where you are looking at to print it. And now select the printer.

The most interesting part of it is you can print the page by a printer which might be at any place or in the any part of the world. But it should be connected to the Google cloud account. And you can print by using a mobile phone or by using a Tablet. You do not need a computer. Just you need is Google account and such a mobile device.

If you just want to print any doc file or any image, just click on print option and upload the file and select the printer.
Suppose if you are in India, and you want to print it by a printer which is in America or just be at any where. Just do the same procedure. For doing such, you or the recipient should share the printer with the other.

The procedure is so easy. If you have a printer just share it by selecting the printer and click on share Button. Now type the email address of the person with whom you want share it on the dialog box when it pops-up. Now he or she just has to accept that request. Just by just reloading the page recipient can find request to accept. When he or she accepts, that's it, now they shares your printer. And they can give print by the same procedure as mentioned above.

They just need to upload the file and select the printer and they have to click on print. That's all. They will receive the printed page from the printer.

Look for the video for better understanding. Thanks for visiting. Hope it is beneficial.

To know how to print files directly from Android device without copying in computer :- click here

Google Cloud Print - Print from anywhere to anywhere Google Cloud Print - Print from anywhere to anywhere Reviewed by Sriram PV on 21:19:00 Rating: 5

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