Webcammax free download

Full working version of webcammax without watermark and no nag screen. Just copy the .dll and app file into installation folder and overwrite originals. Thanks, good luck, and enjoy.

With WebcamMax, you can add videos, pictures and effects to virtual & real web cam and show them to others on messengers. It works on all Web cam programs (, Yahoo, Camfrog,ICQ, AIM, Skype, Paltalk, ANYwebcam, Stickam). You can add a variety of effects over web cam and change the properties by yourself; thousands of local & online are available and you can even create your own effects. You can do snapshots as well as record videos with effects and broadcast them onor your Blog. You can also do slideshows, share your screen with friends, play movies for them or trick them with a fake video. It enables PinP of which Web cam, Screen, Movie or Picture can be selected as source.

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Webcammax free download Webcammax  free download Reviewed by Sriram PV on 16:03:00 Rating: 5

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